
  /  Dermatology in the News!   /  What To Do Before You Say “I Do”

The amount of couples getting engaged this time of year is evident by the looks of your social media feed. If one of those lucky ladies happens to be you, than this little number was written specifically for you.

There is so much that goes into wedding planning; the venue, the cake, a DJ, the dress and the food. Often times your skin care is last on the list. You want everything to be just as you imagined it as a little girl and those visions may not have focused in on yourself as much as they did the details.  The sheer madness that goes into an event of this magnitude, can cause you to overlook what’s most important; your face!

In a perfect world, you would begin your skin rejuvenation the day that he put a ring on it.  Realistically though, 3-6 months prior to your big day would be a perfect time to start skin care regimen and treatments.  Depending on what exactly is going on with your skin, that will determine what our plan is.  We always recommend a medical-grade skin care regimen including a cleanser, gentle exfoliating, moisturizer and sunscreen for you skin type and condition.  Sunscreen should be worn all year long, as many people experience harmful UV damage even in the winter months.  It is wise to wear a hydrating sunscreen such as Elta MD UV Clear or MD Solar Sciences anti-aging moisturizer with SPF.

As far as procedures go, there are a few different options for both mechanical and chemical exfoliation and many non-invasive ways to refresh and rejuvenate the skin.  You may be wondering why exfoliation is an important part of healthy glowing skin.  The truth is, as we age, the cell turnover rate of the skin slows down. This can leave the skin dull and lack luster.  If you get on a good treatment regimen and speed up the cell turnover rate, your skin will appear more youthful, hydrated and glowing.

Most of the procedures that we currently offer have little to no down time and are very affordable.  If you are just getting your feet wet in the world of medical aesthetics, I would highly recommend a dermaplaning treatment which is a light scraping of dead skin and peach fuzz.  This is a wonderful option if you have sensitive skin or if you are not yet ready to explore world of chemical peels. All of our peels and treatments come with a deep cleansing, cosmetic extractions and a facial massage.

If you are familiar with chemical peels, I’m sure that you’re aware that there are many different types and strengths of peels out there. We highly recommend you seeing a medical professional when receiving a chemical peel.  Ordering peels off the internet or seeing a spa professional may not always be the best choice for these medical-grade procedures. If not done properly, peels can cause major damage to the skin.  We often will start out with a mild peel and build the strength up depending on how your skin responds. Our office currently offers three types of peels; salicylic, glycolic and the Vi Peel. Any of these peels done in a series of three or six, spaced one month apart, and would greatly help the overall health and appearance of your skin.

. If you have questions or concerns that you would like to discuss, please don’t hesitate to give our office a call at (609) 926-8899 extension (1117).

Nicole Grifo

Medical Aesthetician

Nicole Grifo is a Medical Aesthetician with over 10 years of skin care expertise. A native of South Jersey, she is trained as a Medical Assistant and Licensed Aesthetician.