See what others are saying about their experience with Connolly Dermatology.
Christina ward2025-01-24 Competent personnel. Trupti Shah2025-01-21 In Dermetology as Dr. his very cool and cute dr. But I can’t give reviews for my health issues because I just started his prescription cream. Hopefully work out. But I recommend him. No westing time or taking advantage of patients to make up stories. I really like this dr. He have cute smiles. David Lichtenfels2025-01-21 Always a good experience very professional help. Robert Dormady2025-01-21 Agata answered all my questions and was very precise in her exam. Ralph Pace2025-01-18 The doctor was caring, totally knowledgeable and made you feel totally comfortable.. Michael Miller2025-01-17 Highly professional and kind. Kim Grahsler2025-01-17 Ms Aversa identified various concerns, recommended treatments, spoke about self care and had me schedule follow up appointments. The office is efficient and staff is consistently friendly. Bob Lydon2025-01-16 Agota is caring and knowledgeable. Mike Killian2025-01-16 Chris Marsh is terrific. They are always on time and give you reasons for your problem that you can understand. I will say tech didn’t introduce herself and seemed like she was very new and I’m sure she will gain confidence as she has more time.Load more